Society - History

The ELEPHANTMOVING, headquartered in Rome - via del Fringuello 50 - Focsani and Bucharest, - Focsani, str. Stefan Cel Mare 7 - is a present since 1993 in the field of transport and removals. Always stands for the professionalism with which each commission run, ensuring that its customers the most reliable and timely treatment. We cover removals and domestic and international shipments, furniture storage, international moving & packing specialists. All our services are guaranteed.
Our company is present in all Italian and European capitals, working in the field of transport and removals throughout Italy, EU countries and South America, offering a set of services that make it more secure and professional needs of our customers.
The company carries out inspections and free estimates. To meet the needs of customers we deal with disassembly and reassembly of furniture antique, classic, modern of all kinds, furniture redeployment and changes made ??by our carpenters.
The experienced personnel in packaging provides a high quality security service, successfully protecting all types of products, from furniture to industrial machinery works of art to the most fragile and delicate objects. We have vehicles of different sizes.

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+39 06.22183804

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